MotivateMe! Quote from 5/12

"When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life." Jean Shinoda Bolen.

Connie says, "Caring about yourself is a gift only you can give yourself. And when you do, you will find many things that nourish your soul and bring you joy! Keep moving forward on this great journey you have chosen."

MotivateMe! Quote from 4/20

"Not having time or energy for weight loss makes no sense. Does it take more time or energy to eat fish than prime rib? No." Martha Beck.

Connie says, "Martha Beck wrote one of the best books I've ever read about weight loss. It's called The Beck Diet Solution. I hope you read it. People use the 'excuse' that they don't have 'time' to meal prep or eat healthy. Know what? It takes less time and costs less money to open a container of Greek yogurt than to order off the dollar menu at McDonalds. It takes less time and costs less to have a few hard-boiled eggs (prepared at the beginning of the week) than it does to grab donuts at the convenience store. Choices, my friends."

MotivateMe! Quote from 4/6

"Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going." - Sam Levenson. 

Connie says, "If you are focused on how many more minutes you need to walk on the treadmill, those minutes crawl by very slowly. If you focus on how many more weeks you have to 'diet,' you may talk yourself into giving up. Just look at what task is in front of you NOW, the next minute. DO what is required of you in this minute! Don't think about the next ten or sixty or ninety minutes. Just DO what is the healthiest thing for you in this minute. The minutes and hours and days and weeks go by way too quickly. LIVE in the moment and BE in each moment. What can you do today to remain focused on what is in front of you right NOW without getting caught up in the future?"

MotivateMe! Quote from 3/23

"You don't have to be perfect in order to be successful." -Anonymous.

Connie says, "First of all, perfection as a human being is an impossibility. And, for those who strive toward perfection, the truth is, they most often feel very insecure. Attempting to be perfect, in other words, is a way to try to cover up low self-esteem. Work toward progress every day and let go of the idea of being perfect. What is one thing you have made progress in recently?"

MotivateMe! Quote from 3/9/2022

"We don't drift in good directions. We discipline and prioritize ourselves there." - Andy Stanley.

Connie says, "We aren't very likely to just mindlessly reach goals, whether it's weight loss or updating your bathroom. As much as we might not like it, discipline and making time for those things that result in the accomplishment of those goals, are required. What is something you will make a priority today and discipline yourself to DO that will lead you closer to a healthy weight?"