Research is clear: People need (and want) ongoing aftercare following significant weight loss (via bariatric surgery or medically supervised weight loss). ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵

BariAftercare is the only COMPREHENSIVE aftercare program, incorporating emotional/psychological, nutritional, clinical, family and friend support, and exercise education to include yoga videos.



Please note: the information and contents of each component of the BariAftercare program are applicable to both surgical and medical weight loss patients


MindPrep Videos


Eat It Up!


Fair & Firm Retreat


BariAftercare Videos

Family, Friends & Relationships after WLS

BariAftercare Banter (Live)

BariYoga videos and Movement Messages

Motivational Posts and Affirmations

Bariatric Cooking Videos

Gotta Do ‘Ems© and My Day© Forms

Registered Dietician interview

  1. Zhang, M., Ho, R. C., Hawa, R., & Sockalingam, S. (2015). Pilot implementation and user preferences of a Bariatric After-care application. Technology and Health Care, 23(6), 729-736.

  2. Jumbe, S., Meyrick, J. Contrasting Views of the Post-bariatric Surgery Experience between Patients and their Practitioners: a Qualitative Study. OBES SURG 28, 2447–2456 (2018).

  3. O'Brien, P.E. (2010), Bariatric surgery: Mechanisms, indications and outcomes. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 25: 1358-1365.

  4. Chan, JKY, King, M, Vartanian, LR. Patient perspectives on psychological care after bariatric surgery: A qualitative study. Clin Obes. 2020; 10:e12399.

  5. Parretti, H. M., Hughes, C. A., and Jones, L. L. (2019) ‘The rollercoaster of follow-up care’ after bariatric surgery: a rapid review and qualitative synthesis. Obesity Reviews, 20: 88– 107.