MotivateMe! Quote 1/7/20

“Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” ~George Bernard Shaw.

Connie says, "Making changes in our schedules, daily routines, and eating habits, communication skills and so many things are difficult. But changing our minds?! Now we're talking SUPER DIFFICULT! We want to believe we know what's best. We fiercely protect our attitudes and our beliefs. We say absurd things like, 'Well, I was hit with a belt and I turned out fine,' and 'No one in their right mind could ever believe what those right- or left-winged people say.' Here's the reality. We all have a lot to learn and being able to take in new information and assimilate into what you already know may actually change your mind about some things! THAT is what healthy, adult people do... they are willing to learn and grow AND change their minds!"