BariAftercare Daily Progress Journal


BariAftercare Daily Progress Journal


More than a typical "diet" journal, the BariAftercare Daily Progress Journal focuses on your growth as a whole person!

ARISE in the morning and start your day with a plan for success! Commit to your overall health and wellness, and set your food and exercise goals.

GOTTA DO 'EMs. Review the Physical and Emotional Gotta Do 'Em checklists. It’s not about perfection, but give you a way to keep in mind positive ways to stay physically and emotionally healthy.

The Four ACES: Awareness, Accountability, Attitude, Commitment and Effort. Learn more about yourself and take credit for the healthy changes you make!

FEELINGS. Becoming aware of your emotions is critical to self-growth and maintaining a healthy weight.

RECAP at the end of the day. Reflect and evaluate your day. Find gratitude. Make a plan to avoid pitfalls and celebrate your progress!

"Your Health! Your Responsibility. This Day. Every Day."

Dr. Connie Stapleton is a licensed psychologist whose work in the field of bariatric medicine began in 2005. Dr. Stapleton appears regularly on TLC's Too Large and 1000 Pound Best Friends. She has authored a number of books geared toward people having bariatric procedures, and speaks nationally and internationally to bariatric patient and professional groups.

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